Dominant Man Spends Evening Practicing “Clever” Pick Up Line



Ace Finkle, 67, has been working hard to overcome his shyness in the BDSM by practicing and rehearsing pick up lines to use that his local munch.

After multiple failed attempts and flubbed efforts, Finkle dedicated his entire evening to memorizing a single pick up like that he planned to use at the munch the next day.

The line, “Did it hurt?” plays on his desire for sadistic play and serves as an opener.  The goal is to have the submissive reply “Did what hurt?” To which Finkle replies, “When you fell from heaven,” implying the woman is an angel.

During the last munch, Finkle repeatedly screwed up the punch line, blurting out “You’re an angel,” which came across as desperate and creepy, according to BratGirl99.  “I mean, we all know the line and the fact that he can’t even manage an old pick up line doesn’t give you much confidence that he can handle rope or a flogger.”

This time, however, Finkle is determined.  “I’ve got it,” he told The Daily Flogger.  “No more mistakes.”

Photo credit: Beverley Goodwin

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