West Coast Mega-Leather Conference Announced



In what will be the first “Mega Conference” ever, organizers from four regional events have decided to fuse their events into a single week long.

At a press conference today, a group representing the region has announced “Southwest Plains HEAT in the City.”

Master Cleo, the new event organizer, explained to The Daily Flogger that “it was basically all the same people showing up at all four events to see the same speakers say the same things. So we figured we would just do it all at the same time.”

Leather contests will all be held in rapid succession, allowing one couple to become state, regional, and international leather master and slave in a single weekend.

“It is designed to cut down on costs and efforts,” said slave gwen, the new mega-title contest coordinator. “This way you only need to pretend to be a decent human being for a week, rather than for months.”

Many conference goers welcome the change, seeing the current proliferation of conferences as a serious drain on their finances.

Others were less enthusiastic. “It is really the only time I get any attention,” said Master Andy, “and I can’t wear my cap anyplace else. So this is really going to cut into my self esteem. I guess I will need to find a different way to feed my ego.”

Current conference organizers couldn’t be reached for comment, but according to the press release, the new group decided it was time for a change and a new conference.

Photo Credit: Christian Scholz

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