BDSM Man Mistakes “Race Play” Party for NASCAR Event



Mel Grimp, 52, got the shock of his life when he walked into The Inferno, his local BDSM dungeon expecting to meet fellow NASCAR fans.

Grimp, dressed in jeans and his signed Dale Earnhardt Jr t-shirt, brought pork rinds and a 12 pack of Bud Light, only to find himself surrounded by inter-racial couples engaged in bondage, whipping, and humiliation play.

“I thought race play, was like a NASCAR party.  It was held on the same day as the Daytona 500, so it seemed like a good fit to me.”

Jessica Jones, 24, a submissive and race play fetishist, immediately took a shine to Grimp, thinking he was there imitating a “southern redneck racist.”  She explained her attraction, thinking he was there “to enact some racial fantasy about a hot southern man who harbors secret racial aggression toward an African American woman like me who has been a very bad girl and needs to be spanked and called all kinds of degrading, racist names.”

Grimp told The Daily Flogger, we wasn’t a racist and didn’t understand what was going on and that Jones’s use of the “N-word” was “very unsettling and not something he was comfortable with.”

Photo credit: roger blake

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